Compilação sobre possíveis biomarcadores para doença de Alzheimer

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Mateus Ribeiro
Paulo Roberto Palma Urbano


According to “World Health Organization” (2017), there are 50 million people with dementia in the world. The Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) affects 36 million people globally and about 1,2 million Brazilians. The dementias had an overall cost of 1 trillion dollars in 2019, and it’s estimated to cost 2 trillion dollars by 2030. The AD is characteristic by the deposit of amyloid plaque originated by amyloid proteins and neurofibrillary tangles originated by hiperfosforilated Tau protein. Currently the diagnosis is made through perceptions of patient’s behavior change by close people, such as decline in memory, confusion with space and time, personality change, among others, and then the diagnostic is made by physical, clinical, laboratory exams and some questionnaires. In this review, we will approach some possible blood biomarkers already studied around the world as such: PCR, IL-6 and TNF-a, and as well some less studied as such: TRPC6, BIN1, MCP-1; since the use of biomarkers in the blood provides greater comfort to the patient and the cost is lower.

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How to Cite
Ribeiro, M., & Palma Urbano, P. R. (2020). Compilação sobre possíveis biomarcadores para doença de Alzheimer. Brazilian Journal of Biomedical Sciences, 1(2), 78–85.
Review article


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