Proposta de adaptação de acompanhamento farmacoterapêutico com base nos métodos de Dáder, Minnesota e na realidade encontrada no atendimento de neurologia do CIS.

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Dante Ferreira de Oliveira
Ana Carolina Pereira Fernandes do Lago
Gabriela Mendes Lacerda
Karoline Vitoriano dos Santos
Letícia Mendonça Cesário
Roberta Orfali Ribeiro


    The pharmacotherapeutic follow-up is classified as one of the exclusive pharmaceutical care activities, being a practice that contributes with several benefits to the patient’s therapy, mainly enabling the identification of problems related to medications, which can negatively affect the life quality of an individual. The most commonly used classical methods are the Dáder method and the Minnesota model, therefore, the present study aims to evaluate them and offer a new model based on both, that will be more appropriate to the reality of neurology patients being currently treated at the Integrated Health Center (CIS) of the Anhembi Morumbi University. Pharmacists use methods that are based on both these models in order to collect the same kind of information about their patients, however, these methods have a few differences between each other when compared, being the Dáder method a more detailed one, divided in more phases, therefore, providing a better understanding to initiate this type of practice, with a greater focus on medication-related problems, and the Minnesota model attends with less phases, therefore, considered by many professionals with experience in the field, to be more practical to attend the service, also known to be a detailed method that considers all the possible problems regarding the patient’s therapy. Through the analysis of the adapted methods used by professionals at CIS, carried out during a six-month period, it is possible to observe the need for a method that would better attend the neurology patients, so that a more efficient service could be offered to them, that would optimize time and would attend all their necessitites, thus, the addapted method proposed in this study was developed with the purpose of further improving the quality of life of the patientes assisted at CIS.

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How to Cite
Ferreira de Oliveira , D. ., Pereira Fernandes do Lago , A. C. ., Mendes Lacerda, G. ., Vitoriano dos Santos , K., Mendonça Cesário, L., & Orfali Ribeiro, R. . (2020). Proposta de adaptação de acompanhamento farmacoterapêutico com base nos métodos de Dáder, Minnesota e na realidade encontrada no atendimento de neurologia do CIS. Brazilian Journal of Biomedical Sciences, 1(2), 86–95.
Review article
Author Biographies

Ana Carolina Pereira Fernandes do Lago , Universidade Anhembi Morumbi

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Gabriela Mendes Lacerda, Universidade Anhembi Morumbi

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Karoline Vitoriano dos Santos , Universidade Anhembi Morumbi

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Letícia Mendonça Cesário, Universidade Anhembi Morumbi

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Roberta Orfali Ribeiro, Universidade Anhembi Morumbi

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