Adesão ao tratamento com antineoplásicos orais em pacientes com câncer de mama

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Alinne Ribeiro Teixeira
Bianca Moreira Ruiz
Nathalia Ramalho Cardoso
Verônica de Franco Rennó


Objective: to evaluate the adherence associated with factors of oral antineoplastics drugs for patients during breast cancer treatment.Method: A bibliographic survey of studies was performed, considered publications from 2002 to 2018 from Scielo, Pubmed and Lilacs databases. A total of 50articles were selected and after reading the abstracts, 30 studies were selected for full reading. Therefore, those who refer to pharmacotherapeutic monitoring of other diseases not compatible with the present study have been excluded. Of the studies evaluated, 22 addressed the topic of the study and were used as references. With the study, it was plausible to notice that multiple variables are part of the process in the treatment adherence, being that many factors involved are connected to intrinsic elements of the patient itself. However, when the extrinsic factors are analyzed it is possible to conclude that pharmacists’s performance during the dispensation has a big influence in treatment success. The correct and proper dispensing methods are fundamental factors to enhance the treatment adherence for women with breast cancer.  Having said that, it can be inferred that continuing education of health professionals working in this very important stage of patient treatment is extremely necessary.

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How to Cite
Ribeiro Teixeira, A. ., Moreira Ruiz, B., Ramalho Cardoso, N., & de Franco Rennó , V. . (2020). Adesão ao tratamento com antineoplásicos orais em pacientes com câncer de mama. Brazilian Journal of Biomedical Sciences, 1(3), 110–121.
articles continuous flow


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