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Bruna Pereira da Silva
Gustavo Batista Pellegrini
Gustavo José Vasco Pereira


Introduction: Nausea and vomiting are one of the biggest problems in the postoperative period, generating unforeseen costs which can and shoul be avoided. With the introduction of pharmaeconomics it was possible to target adverse events and related surgeries and thus mitigate the likelihood of negative economic impacts related to these events. Objective: The objective of this study is to evaluate the most diverse pharmacological techniques for preventing postoperative nausea and vomiting in gastroplasty, based on cost-effectiveness studies that take into account variables such as decreased time and value of perioperative hospitalization and the likelihood of adverse events related to surgery. All the most used classes were evaluated. Methods: An economic cost-effectiveness study was conducted, with the outcome of mitigating any probability of adverse event related to the gastroplasty postoperative period. For the economic subject, the BPS and CMED databases were used and the Scielo, Schoolar Google and PubMed databases were used for the other subjects. Results: The best cost-effectiveness/benefit was the association between dexamethasone + ondansetron, that can be extended to another drug class using the Apfel score to guide the decision.  Conclusion: The recommendations set are very valuable to the anesthetist, based on solid evidence over the years, which benefits the professional, the institution and the patient in question.

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How to Cite
Pereira da Silva, B. ., Pellegrini, G. B., & Vasco Pereira, G. J. . (2020). COMPARATIVE COST-EFFECTIVENESS STUDY OF PHARMACOLOGICAL TECHNIQUES FOR PREVENTION OF POSTOPERATIVE NAUSEA AND VOMITING ON GASTROPLASTY . Brazilian Journal of Biomedical Sciences, 1(3), 122–133.
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