Alternative treatments to corticosteroids in atopic dermatitis
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Autoimmune diseases occur when there is a deregulation of the host’s immune system and an inflammatory response is triggered upon recognition of the self-antigen. Atopic dermatitis (AD) is an inherited autoimmune allergic disease that affects the skin. It occurs mostly in childhood and may disappear during young and young adult period. When it does not occur, AD is considered chronic. Although it is hereditary, external factors such as stress, dietary habits, sweating among others may exacerbate it. The AD is featured by dry skin, which causes itchy and skin lesion easily.. Its treatment relies on moisturizers for less serious cases, while the more severe wounds are treated with a single treatment with corticoid, antifungal and anti-bacterial creams and ointments. It is known that prolonged corticoid treatment is directly associated with decreased insulin sensitivity, accumulation of fats in the abdominal region, in the face and in the back, inhibition of calcium reabsorption, and may disclose other types of diseases such as diabetes, osteoporosis and even depression. Based on that, the objective was to seek in the literature methods that could be applied alternatively to the corticoid treatment. Thus, we performed a search in the Pubmed database using keywords that cover the topic autoimmunity, atopic dermatitis, treatment and corticoid. Several studies have been found over the past 10 years for alternatives to treating AD, from genetically based studies such as Filagrina, to alternative drug such as aspartame. However, the most promissing treatment was with Dupilumab, which in 2019 was accepted in Brazil, being less harmful when compared to corticosteroids. So far, theres is no data regarding long-term impact of this drug due to recent administration for this purpose. Dupilumab is expected to be an alternative to corticosteroids, and to be able to treat the disease without worsening the body or not being so aggressively silent.
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