Comparative analysis of the content of different brands of vinegars marketed in Brazil compared to that specified on the label

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The labels of industrialized products around the world carry important information about the safety, effectiveness and concentrations of the components contained in their formulation. Most of the time, this information is recommended in rules written by a collegiate group of regulatory entities such as FDA (Food and Drugs Administration), MAPA (Ministério da Agricultura e Pecuária), ANVISA (National Health Surveillance Agency) and EMA (European Medicines Agency). There are specifications for medicines, cosmetics, health products and foods that should be faithful to the characteristics of the contents present in their primary packaging. In some cases, deviations in concentrations can cause damage to the health and safety of its consumers. Thinking about this theme, undergraduate pharmacy students at Anhanguera Educacional University chose 9 brands of food use vinegars marketed in Brazil and analyzed their concentrations using the acid-base titration technique and compared the results found with the values ​​shown on the label. their respective brands. The values ​​found showed a high incidence of deviations regarding the concentration of CH3COOH (acetic acid) at 4%. Small deviations in the concentration of some foods, such as CH3COOH do not harm health, however, when specified on labels, the values ​​must be followed as a measure of good manufacturing practices (GMP) and in compliance with current regulations.

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Souza Lima, T. ., Canuto Cappobianco, L. ., Santana Muslera, V. ., Borges Coelho, T. ., Araujo dos Santos Viana, A. ., Ferreira de Souza, P. ., Silva Paulino, F. ., Aline Oliveira, L. ., Alves de Castro, A. E. ., & Roberto. (2020). Comparative analysis of the content of different brands of vinegars marketed in Brazil compared to that specified on the label. Brazilian Journal of Biomedical Sciences, 1(3), 134–141.
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